
How Do Teachers Deal With Choking Hazards At Play Schools in Gurgaon?

When a parent decides to send the child to the play schools in Gurgaon , they go through a lot of pressure and there is too much concern behind all this. One of the biggest concerns is their safety especially when it is a top   play school . The children at this age are too young to decide what is wrong at what is right for them like what to eat, how to eat, what not to do and so on. We have heard about lots of cases about children dying from suffocation or choking. Here are some details about choking hazards which you must know. Play Schools in Gurgaon What is a choking hazard? If any object gets caught in a child’s throat blocking their windpipe and makes it difficult or impossible to breathe, it is called choking hazard. This object can be anything small like food, toy or anything! What food or other items can be choking hazards for play school in Gurgaon children?   Food items might include: Nuts and seeds Chunks of meat or cheese Grapes (whole) Hard, sti...

Factors Affecting Child Development in Kindergarten Schools in Gurgaon

Child Development in the age of kindergarten schools in Gurgaon is important for children to grow up strong and healthy. This is the age at which they start experiencing different forms of relationships and also form an opinion about the world around. More than one factor determines this opinion and also helps in laying a strong foundation for future skills and abilities. Top Kindergarten Schools in Gurgaon Focus on Different Factors There are many factors that affect the manner in which a child grows. These aspects shape the development and nurture the child to grow strong and independent. The factors are – Nutritious Diet Routine Physical Co-curricular and Games Health Development Social Surrounding and Neighbors We are providing a few details on all four factors below for your perusal and better understanding. Kindergarten Schools in Gurgaon Nutritious Diet Routine to Follow in Best Kindergarten Schools in Gurgaon Important nutrients and energy that a child requi...